miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Personalised Tobacco pouches

Last Sunday I went to a workshop to learn how to do applique and patchwork! It was class! I have a horribly calloused ring finger from the constant sewing! and a disgustingly stained index finger from smoking rollies but I can live with that. So I thought it would be a good idea to replace the tobacco pouch I bought for Juan at Crimbo (which I then lost) with a lovely handmade and personalised one. I think it looks dead on.

Then I made one for myself which accidently turned out about 10 times better than Juan's one. Sorry Juan!! but I love it and it makes a welcome change from hoking old dry tobacco out of my coat pockets. 'ewww' I hear you cry!!  I'm so gross, I know. But with my beautiful wee pouch I'm sure I've turned a corner!

Onwards and Upwards

Monster finger puppets

Here are some Felt finger puppets I made with the kids. The troll from the Three Billy Groats Gruff. We had loads of fun making them :)

And that's how it all started...

So, Ive been living in Madrid since September with my lovely man, a lovely man who is also very creative and talented. The list of his talents is endless. I was jealous. I wanted to be cool and ingenious and wondeful and broaden my interests and learn new things, and above all, be a cool mtherfucker like him. Up until this point my interests were as follows; Gin, smoking, and Dolly Parton. Despite my deep love for all three, I really needed a hobby. So I began by making crap macrame friendship bracelets, the type of thing eight year old girls make for eachother, very childish. They were horrible but hey, at least I was making something.

Soon after I started working in a cool little shop doing a parent and baby english workshop. About once a month I also did a story and craft class. Having to come up with fun and original activities for the youngsters was a bit of a chore at the start but we ended up making some amazing stuff, and Irene, the owner of the shop really helped me with ideas by constatly sending me links and websites. I sort of became addicted to craft blogs and started to jot down all the things that I wanted to make. It's a very long list. So here we are, months later I'm finally making a blog so people can see the kind of things I've been making. Unfortunately I still can't call myself a cool motherfucker but I think some of the stuff I've made is pretty motherfucking cool. I hope you think so too.

Keep it real


First ever entry

If you find yourself reading this then Hello and welcome to my little blog. First and foremost I hope you enjoy it and the things I put on here. I wanted to make this blog primarily as a space to showcase some of my crafts and artwork, and as somewhere I can write down my thoughts about ... everything! Music, travelling, friends, life, and all the wee random bits inbetween. Hopefully it will make for good reading and give you a laugh or two (once I figure out how exactly it works... AGHH technology-fobe... and get it up and running)



