miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Personalised Tobacco pouches

Last Sunday I went to a workshop to learn how to do applique and patchwork! It was class! I have a horribly calloused ring finger from the constant sewing! and a disgustingly stained index finger from smoking rollies but I can live with that. So I thought it would be a good idea to replace the tobacco pouch I bought for Juan at Crimbo (which I then lost) with a lovely handmade and personalised one. I think it looks dead on.

Then I made one for myself which accidently turned out about 10 times better than Juan's one. Sorry Juan!! but I love it and it makes a welcome change from hoking old dry tobacco out of my coat pockets. 'ewww' I hear you cry!!  I'm so gross, I know. But with my beautiful wee pouch I'm sure I've turned a corner!

Onwards and Upwards

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