sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Easter at home

After what seemed like a week that would never end I am back at home, at last, visiting for easter. And despite the blizzardy weather conditions ( I didn't think we would make it home from Dublin) which are hardly suitable for the beginning of Spring, I am loving being back in my mum and dad's house. It's been snowing like mad and I've just been chilling by the fire, drinking tea and playing with my cats <3 chillin like a villain or what?!

So since I've got a bit of free time and dare not set foot outside I though that I'd make my mum a wee cover for her kindle.......

Yes my mum's kindle will be safe, It's a sturdy wee thing. I had a stroke of genius and  cut up a frosted shreddies box to reinforce it. You can't really see very well in this picture but the flowers on the front are my favourite bit, they all have a different vintage button sewn on and some bead embellishment... amazing!!

Also, I'm heading to Leeds on Monday to visit my bestie, Nicole! I can't wait. Living so far away from eachother and with budget airlines being a total rip-off it's hard to par-tay as much as we'd like so I cant wait to get to Leeds and have a little bottle of Tanqueray and go on amazing and terrifying Youtube journeys. So anyway, Nicole had asked me to make her a purse, so here it is. It's nothing like the one she asked me for but I went a bit mad and just did whatever I felt like. I hope she likes it.

So that's all Ive been making at the minute. I've finally got my sewing machine back so I'm thinking of making some crazy applique aprons or something.

In other news, I am very much looking forward to the gin-fest that will be Lindsay Anderson's hen do in torremolinos. Updates on hen antics to follow...

Keep it real folks and Happy Easter to all!

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